Welcome to the FNIGC Knowledge Lodge, a knowledge translation service from the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC), a First Nations-led organization committed to gathering and disseminating data that reflects the diversity of life in the 634 First Nations reserve and Northern communities across the country.
This application offers users no-cost access to hundreds of FNIGC’s published charts and tables from our foundational First Nations survey reports, including the First Nations Regional Health Survey (FNRHS, or RHS) and the First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education and Employment Survey (FNREEES or REEES). All data produced are aggregated nationally and weighted to represent First Nations people living in reserve and in Northern communities across Canada.
How to use the FNIGC Knowledge Lodge
To search for available data, enter a keyword (i.e., water) in the “Search by Keywords” space of the search fields below. You can also narrow your search by survey by selecting a survey (i.e., FNREES, RHS) in the “Choose a Survey” drop-down menu. You can refine your search even further here by selecting sub-categories here: Adult, Child, or Youth.
Finally, you can use the “Filter by Categories” drop-down menu to search by one of 11 survey subject areas. These include Community Wellness, Demographics, Education, Health and Well-being, Indian Residential School, and Language and Culture.
These data are intended to be used by community, students, researchers, policy makers and decision-makers, and can be easily printed or downloaded for use in presentations, reports, and papers. To do so, click on the “Export” button in the lower right corner of a chart or table.
For those looking to access unpublished or raw data, please contact FNIGC’s First Nations Data Centre, which provides data access to individuals pursuing academic research, policy development, and program planning and evaluation on a pay-per-use basis.
For more information about the data found on the FNIGC Knowledge Lodge, please refer to our national reports, which can be found on our Online Library.
Note: some of the data on the FNIGC Knowledge Lodge have been refined to better meet our knowledge translation requirements. As a result, some information included in their original presentation (ex., confidence intervals) are not included here. If you want to view a chart or table in its original context, click on the “Link to Full Report” link in the lower left-hand corner.
For further information about some of the terminology found within the data, please see our Glossary here.
Reporting an Error
If you find any errors or omissions, please report them to us at, [email protected].