Andrew Bisson
Andrew Bisson is from M’Chigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island. He has lived in Ottawa since 2001.
Andrew has experience working at a First Nations tribal council, a national First Nations organization, a government department, a federal Deputy Minister’s office, and a federal Minister’s office. He has also worked in both the policy and Communications fields during his time in these organizations.
Andrew is currently the Director of Health at the Assembly of First Nations, a position he has held since August 2021.
He has a Master of Public Administration from Queen’s University and a Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Public Administration and Governance from Toronto Metropolitan University. He also teaches two part-time university courses at a joint program delivered in partnership between Toronto Metropolitan University and the First Nations Technical Institute (which is located in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Ontario).
In September 2023, Andrew was elected as one of the first off-reserve councillors in M’Chigeeng First Nation. He also sits on a number of Boards on Manitoulin Island relating to his Councillor position.
Most importantly, Andrew is the father of an 18-year-old daughter.