Guided by a strategic research agenda, FNIGC routinely undertakes and provides opportunity for relevant, national-level research, rooted in First Nations values and priorities.
FNIGC’s holistic approach to research is one that is grounded in strength and resilience. FNIGC strives to undertake research that highlights First Nations successes, while acknowledging challenges. With this approach, we can better understand the strengths, motivations, and ways of thinking and behaving that support First Nations in their journey toward well-being.
Integral to FNIGCs research is collaboration with First Nations regional partners, National Indigenous Organizations, subject matter experts and knowledge holders. Collaborations are rooted in principles of partnership built on shared priorities and goals, as well as values of respect and reciprocity.
FNIGC knows that the strength of good research can only be fully realized through meaningful and accessible knowledge translation efforts. To this end, FNIGC strives to create accessible research products for a variety of audiences.
Since 2016, a wide range of important research topics have been explored, including but not limited to the following reports:
- Social and Economic Well-Being: A First Nations Gender-Balanced Analysis
- A Strengths-Based Profile of Aging in First Nations Communities
- First Nations Perspectives on Poverty: “It’s not our culture to be poor”
- Understanding Childcare in First Nations Communities
- First Nations Youth Smoking: Factors Associated With Resilience
- Strengths-Based Approached to Indigenous Research and the Development of Well-Being Indicators
- Factors Associated with School Outcomes among First Nations Youth
- Correlates of Physical Activity Among First Nations Youth and Children
- Social and Economic Well-being: A First Nations Gender-Balanced Analysis
For more information on past and current publications, check out the FNIGC Research Series, through our Online Library.