The Research and Information team works closely with regional partners across the country to develop and administer regionally-driven national surveys, covering a broad array of topics.
Most notable among these surveys is the longstanding First Nations Regional Health Survey (FNRHS, or RHS for short), which collects wide-ranging information about First Nations people living on reserve and in northern communities based on western and Traditional understandings of health and well-being.
In addition to national survey initiatives, the team is responsible for overseeing the organization’s strategic research plan – which includes the development of new research opportunities and products, as well as the planning and implementation of processes and tools to facilitate effective knowledge transfer at multiple levels.
This work includes collaboration with communities, regional partners, national Indigenous organizations, academics, and federal stakeholders, it is integral to FNIGC’s research efforts. Research collaborations are rooted in the principles of partnerships built on shared priorities, vision, respect, and reciprocity.
The First Nations Data Centre (FNDC), which offers data access to individuals pursuing academic research, policy development, and program planning and evaluation on a pay-per-use basis, is overseen by the Research and Information team. The goal of the FNDC is to encourage the dissemination and knowledge transfer of FNIGC’s First Nations data among researchers, academics, policy makers, and other stakeholders.