The First Nations Data Centre (FNDC) is a Knowledge Translation resource from FNIGC that provides access to published, unpublished, and record-level data from our respected national survey work, including the First Nations Regional Health Survey (FNRHS, or RHS) and the First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education and Employment Survey (FNREEES, or REEES).
The purpose of the FNDC is to promote the appropriate use and dissemination of FNIGC’s First Nations data for First Nations people and organizations, researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public.
Through FNDC’s FNIGC Data Online, users can explore hundreds of available tables and charts from our published reports in an easy to use and no-cost platform. To access this tool, see the Explore Available Data section below.
The FNDC also offers access to FNIGC’s unpublished and record-level data on a pay-per-use basis to users who are pursuing academic research, policy development, and program planning and evaluation. To access this service, see the Make a Data Request section below.
Finally, the Data Resources section provides access to survey questionnaires, survey themes, and data dictionaries.