By-law No. 1 provides for two categories of members of the corporation: (1) regional organizations, and (2) Assembly of First Nations (non-voting).
Any regional organization may apply for and be granted membership, upon approval of the Board. Members from each region can appoint one regional delegate, in accordance with regional processes, to vote on behalf of the region at meetings of members.
We currently have 13 regional members:
First Nations Health Council, Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, First Nations Summit, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations (British Columbia); Alberta First Nations Information Governance Centre (Alberta); Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (Saskatchewan); First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba [Nanaandawewigamig] (Manitoba); Chiefs of Ontario (Ontario); Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (Quebec and Labrador); First Nations Education Initiative Incorporated (New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island); Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq (Nova Scotia and Newfoundland); Dene Nation (Northwest Territories); and Council of Yukon First Nations (Yukon).