FNIGC’s long-serving Executive Director Gail Mc Donald to retire
After nearly seven years in key leadership roles at the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC), Gail Mc Donald will be retiring as Executive Director of the organization effective today.
FNIGC’s Senior Managers Addie Pryce and Jerry Lanouette will share Acting Executive Director responsibilities until an executive search process can identify a new permanent Director.
Ms. Mc Donald has had a celebrated, decades-long career in various First Nations issues and has earned a reputation as an outspoken advocate for First Nations data governance issues. She was instrumental in the growth of FNIGC as it transitioned out of an internal committee at the Assembly of First Nations into a stand-alone incorporated non-profit in 2010.
In the years since, Gail helped grow FNIGC into a position of authority and respect within First Nations communities, academia and government (federal, provincial, and regional), and was pivotal in forging its standing as the premier source of information about First Nations people living in 634 reserve and Northern communities.
On behalf of its Board of Directors, Regional Partners and all FNIGC staff, FNIGC would like to thank Ms. Mc Donald for her significant contributions in making FNIGC into what it is today. We could not have gotten here without you, and we wish you well in your next chapter as you return to your home community of Akwesasne to devote more time with friends and family.
For the next few months, Ms. Pryce will oversee all Program and Project Management responsibilities, while Mr. Lanouette will oversee Operational and Financial duties. An executive search is underway, and any interested parties can apply through Higgins Executive Search.